Trail running is an endurance sport that consists of running variable distances in nature, from one day races lasting one or two hours, up to ultra marathon non-stop events that last several days. This entails that the nutritional requirements, either for training or racing, are very different according to the distance.
Nevertheless, there are common and recommended aspects that will be reviewed in this article, in order to help the trail runners in their training and racing.
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ToggleNutrition to train for trail running
An enquiry these athletes may have is, if there’s any sort of diet for mountain runners. A broad and nuance answer can be given. It’s advisable to follow a varied diet suitable for endurance sports, and to adapt it each day according to training needs, which is known as nutritional periodisation.
But what exactly does trail running nutrition consist of? In terms of macronutrients, it should contain approximately one to two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, depending on the athlete’s level and the training load, and most importantly, this protein should be ingested regularly and constantly every four to six hours, i.e. a small amount at breakfast, a morning snack, at lunch time, an afternoon snack, at dinner time and a before bedtime if dinner is too early.
Eggs, meat and grilled fish would be suitable foods, dairy products, protein shakes, recovery drinks or protein bars, as snacks, post workout or before bedtime intake.
NEO BAR PROTEIN - Barrita Proteica
Barrita proteica de 50 g que aporta entre 22 y 24 g de proteína y menos de 1,5 g de azúcar.
Una reformulación de la anterior a la que se le ha dado un toque crujiente y nuevos sabores, son ideales para tomar como snack en cualquier momento del día, como aporte proteico y como recuperadora muscular después de los entrenamientos.
Concerning the daily amount of carbohydrates, probably the best option is a variable quantity according to the type of training, prioritising a low carb diet (3 g/kg body weight), on low intensity days, and a high carb diet (7 g/kg body weight), for high intensity days or pretty long mid intensity workouts. For “normal” or intermediate days a mid carb diet (5 g/kg body weight), can be followed.
The recommended foods are very variable, from legumes, whole grains, potatoes and tubers, fruit and vegetables for the mid and low carb days, to pasta, bread and rice to cover the high carb days. Another option can be to follow a mid carb diet outside training, covering this macronutrient’s additional needs by intaking gels, bars and sports drinks during training, explained later.
Finally, the trail runner, must cover her/his energy needs once the necessary amount of protein has been reached (always the same), and carbs (according to training intensity), with fats. “Healthy” fats such as olive oil, nuts and seed are best, avocados and oily fish are also rich in protein.
Nutrition during trail running workouts
A very important part that must be looked after, is the nutrition during training. Is it necessary to eat and drink while training for trail running? Why?
The answer is, “it depends on the goal and type of workout” and always aiming to optimise adaptations, improve performance and increase recovery.
Hence, for low intensity workouts it may not be necessary to intake carbs, reaching 0 to 30 grams per hour if the workout is very long (over two and a half hours), or the aim is to train the digestive system for it to be capable to tolerate liquids and food during the races.
For mid and/or intense workouts, the amount of carbs can be increased up to 30 to 90 grams per hour, depending on the workout’s duration, intensity and athlete’s intake tolerance.
In these cases it’s suitable to take the same products that will be used during racing to provide that necessary “nutritional training” and following the product’s availability and transportation logistics. Gels would be the most suitable products when the carb intake is not too high, and isotonic energy drinks when the hot weather conditions demand a greater requirement of liquids.
Finally, post workout recovery must not be forgotten, especially after demanding workouts. The intake of fruits, natural yoghourts or turkey, tuna or egg sandwiches/wraps, can be an excellent post workout recovery, such as a yoghourt with oatmeal and berries, as long as the main daily meal isn’t after the workout. When it’s hard or impossible to prepare these foods, a recovery drink can be an alternative.
RECOVERY DRINK - Proteína Grass Fed - Recuperador Muscular
Recovery Drink es un complemento alimenticio a base de proteína, hidratos de carbono, creatina, lino dorado, triglicéridos de cadena media (MCT) y L-arginina para tomar después de un entrenamiento o un esfuerzo, ya que aporta más de un 40% de proteína de alta calidad
Proviene del concentrado de proteína de suero de leche GRASS FED (vacas alimentadas de pasto sin el uso de antibióticos ni hormonas de crecimiento), no contiene gluten y tiene menos de 2g de azúcar por toma para no interferir en la asimilación de nutrientes.
Hydration during trail running training
Having access to liquids during morning runs, and specially in the mountain, can be difficult. This can cause a considerable dehydration, specially if the workout is pretty long. Therefore, it would be suitable that the trail runner doesn’t lose more than 3-4% of her/his body weight. If this happens, her/his hydration during the workout hasn’t been enough either due to the hot weather conditions and/or humidity, or due to the workout duration/intensity. In this case, it’s suggested to search for strategies to have access to liquids during the workout (hydration packs, soft flasks, bottles in strategic places, etc.), with water or sports drink (if carbs are necessary), so the athlete doesn’t lose the indicated amount of weight (approximately 2 kg for a 70 kg person).
Nutrition for a trail running race
On race day, all the work must have be done, both training and preparation as well as nutrition and body composition. In fact, small details can ruin or maximise performance while racing. Hence, how should breakfast be? What should be eaten while running?
The first golden rule is, don’t try anything that you haven’t tried previously. The best recommendation is to have food and products for breakfast, lunch or at feed stations, that your body has become used to during the training period.
Two or three days prior to the event a high carb and low fibre diet is recommended. Rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals, bread, as well as meat, grilled fish and/or eggs in diverse ways, to cover the protein needs, can be a good option, together with two or three pieces of fruit daily.
The breakfast prior to the race must have protein, which in this case and to favour digestion, can be a protein shake (whey/isolated), next to 1 to 3 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight. There are several options for this, cereals, bread, bananas, honey, marmalade or even baby food.
WHEY PROTEIN - Batido de Proteínas Grass Fed - 1000g
Complemento Alimenticio en polvo a base de proteína concentrada de suero de leche.
Whey Protein es un complemento alimenticio en polvo a base de proteína concentrada de suero de leche. Apto para dietas vegetarianas, no contiene gluten, es alto en proteína y bajo en grasa y carbohidratos. Está formulado con Proteína concentrada de suero de leche GRASS FED como ingrediente principal. Aporta 23g de proteína y menos de 1.9 g de azúcar por toma.
During the race, the key will be the continuous supply of carbs at an amount of 60 to 90 grams per hour and liquids. Gels and sports drinks can be used, as practised during workouts and previous competitions.
For ultra trail events or longer races at lower intensity, you can go for “natural” foods as an alternative to so many gels. Nuts or dried fruits can be a good choice thanks to its high calorie density and the little space they take up. Protein bars would also be useful for its satiate power and to provide amino acids after many hours racing.
Lastly, effort recovery must be looked after. Starting with a recovery drink, liquid intake and fruits may be ideal when the stomach is closed after the race. The following main meals should be rich in carbs (past, rice), with quality protein and antioxidants (fruits, different coloured vegetables).