In Autumn 2023, 226ERS launched a new HIGH FRUCTOSE product range to accomplish the high energy demands of several sport disciplines which, many times, require a quick carbohydrate intake due to their high intensity. Since then, HIGH FRUCTOSE has been a perfect product for that sake, very demanded and which also is used with other carbohydrate sources such as cyclodextrin. 

In order to satisfy all athletes, 226ERS now completes the range with three new flavours in an 80 g sachet which also have a new opening: 

  • Cherry with 160 mg of caffeine  
  • Speculoos 
  • Lemon

The greatest novelty of this launch is the new Speculoos flavour. A nice cookie taste, very different to the classic fruit flavours commonly used in gels and that will delight those who look for new flavours during prolonged exercise.  


226ERS developed the HIGH FRUCTOSE range to offer products that make a set of multi-transportable carbohydrate supplements, such as maltodextrin and fructose in a 10:8 ratio, ideal to obtain energy quickly combining different carbohydrate sources.

Precisely, the HIGH FRUCTOSE GEL (80 g) provides 55 g of carbohydrates per unit with 250 mg of sodium to offer a better electrolyte balance. 

Carbohydrates have different absorption routes and, depending on the kind of carbohydrate, the effect can be metabolically faster or slower. Different studies* have shown that, during prolonged exercise, taking carbohydrates that are absorbed through different routes, is the only way to increase exogenous carbohydrate absorption and oxidation rate above 60 g/h. 

For this product range, 226ERS has chosen maltodextrin, to control the molecular weight / osmolarity, and fructose, in a 10:8 ratio, to achieve the explained result. 


This polymer is absorbed in the intestine by the SLGT-1 transporter and, turned into glucose, travels into the cells and providing them energy quickly. 

It has a high glycemic index and is able to rapidly increase blood glucose, providing an instant energy release. 

Besides, thanks to its high molecular weight and low osmolarity, it enables a fast gastric emptying which flavours digestion and reduces gastrointestinal side effects.


This carbohydrate is absorbed in the intestine and using the GLUT 5 transporters, different to those that absorb other carbohydrates. The absorbed fructose travels from the intestine to the liver along GLUT2 transporters and fill up the hepatic glycogen stores lost during intense physical exercise. It’s also gradually absorbed while continuously and gradually releasing energy.

For this reason, the combination of both, maltodextrin and fructose, allows to digest and absorb a high amount carbohydrates per hour, diminishing the risk of having gastric problems. 

Adding these three new references, HIGH FRUCTOSE GEL is now available in a 80 g sachet with six  different delicious flavours: 

  • Strawberry.
  • Banana.
  • Cola with 100mg of caffeine.
  • Cherry with 160mg of caffeine.
  • Lemon
  • Speculoos

HIGH FRUCTOSE GEL - Energy Gel - 80g

Energy gel formulated with maltodextrin and fructose in the proportion of 10:8, providing 55 g of carbohydrates per gel and 220 Kcal. In addition to 250 mg of sodium. It is vegan friendly, gluten free and available in six flavours.

High Fructose Gel carries the seal of the Cologne List, the world’s first and largest doping prevention platform for nutritional supplements.

The Cologne List only includes rigorously tested products to ensure thorough analyses and labelling checks to make sure that the manufacturers do not use any prohibited substances included in the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) list.

2,80 €
