The best supplements for marathon 

Marathon is an endurance athletic event that consists of running 42,195 km. It’s undoubtedly an epic event, a challenge for many people, from elite athletes who take 2h10’-2h30’, well-trained athletes who aim to run it under three hours, or simply athletes who want to finish it, even walking some sections, taking five hours to cover the distance. 

It’s clear that the training and racing demands aren’t the same for these different runners. This article will therefore summarise the best supplements, both basic and advanced, to prepare for a marathon. 

How to choose sports supplements for marathon runners?

An athlete who’s ready to train for a marathon needs to know that there are a number of supplements that can be used on the day of the event to maximise performance, hence these must be tried out beforehand during training and during secondary competitions to ensure that they don’t cause any discomfort or problems.

In addition to these, there are a number of other products that runners can use on a daily basis to help them train more effectively, recover better and cope with greater workloads.

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Which supplements are best for marathon training?

Within the wide variety of supplements that can be used to support marathon training, there’s a group of supplements that are considered basic and essential. These include hydration, salts and energy from carbohydrates. These type of supplements will also be used during the race, so it’s a good idea to adjust the amount and type of product you take during training so that you’re fully prepared for race day.


300 to 600 ml per hour, depending on weather conditions. As it is difficult to hydrate while running, strategies such as carrying bottles of fluids with you to the track or training spot, carrying fluids in your hand or on a special runner’s belt, or ideally having someone on a bike with you who can give you fluids when you need them, would be recommended.   


Essential for endurance or short but intense workouts. The recommended guideline is 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. It’s a good idea to start with a small amount and increase it as you get used to it, up to 90 grams per hour. However, this would be more suitable for elite athletes.

To meet these carbohydrate needs, it’s advisable to use energy gels or sports drinks, which will also help the athlete to stay hydrated. The choice of product depends on the runner’s preference and the weather conditions, with gels being more suitable for cold temperatures and sports drinks for warmer conditions to avoid dehydration. 


To avoid cramps and problems associated with dehydration, it’s a good idea to take salts, particularly sodium, potassium and magnesium. There are three ways of doing this: salt capsules, sports drinks (which also contain carbohydrates) or drinks fortified with salts, such as Hydrazero. 

Specific supplements for key, intense or race pace workouts are: 


The recommended dose, depending on individual response, is between 1 and 5 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight, always starting with a low dose. Caffeine is available in capsules and some gels used during workouts. 

Pre workout

Depending on its composition, it helps to improve performance and optimise All information concerning this product is fully detailed here.

Other suitable daily supplements are:


A regular intake of protein is recommended to aid daily recovery. So it’s a good idea to take whey protein at breakfast or before bed time.

In circumstances that can affect the immune system, such as winter, racing season or high training loads, it’s advisable to take probiotics and/or products that boost the immune system. K-Weeks Immune is a product that can perform this dual function of boosting the immune system and providing protein.

Recovery drink

To drink immediately after training/racing when it’s not possible to eat a meal. It’s ideal because it provides a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins and is easy to prepare and carry.  


Their supplementation can be useful during racing periods, although it’s preferable to get them from natural foods such as red berries, fruit and vegetables. 

Finally, in the event of a deficiency, and under the supervision of a doctor or specialist, there are two supplements that are very important for an endurance athlete and in which deficiencies are quite common: iron and vitamin D.

Supplements for the day of the marathon

The day of the race is undoubtedly the most important. It’s not a good idea to take a supplement you haven’t tried before, or to vary the dose of a known supplement. 

The key supplements for this day are:

  • Fluids
  • Salts
  • Carbohydrates
  • Caffeine (if the athlete can tolerate it and has no discomfort)

Optionally, a pre-workout 30 minutes before the start to help the second half of the marathon, if it’s well tolerated.

It’s very important to plan the timing of each supplement, so it’s a good idea to stick to the nutritional strategy you’ve been following during training and to adapt it to the feeding stations. 

For example, if your plan is to consume 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour, you could consume one gel every twenty minutes. In this sense, it would correspond to the feeding station at a certain distance according to the pace of the race, so that it can be taken with the water of that feeding station. 

A professional athlete with the possibility of having personalised assistance on the specific tables, can choose gels or sports drinks according to personal preferences or have them prepared in advance, adjusting the amount of fluids and carbohydrates per hour. 

As for caffeine, it’s useful to know that it peaks in the blood 30 to 45 minutes after ingestion and lasts for another 45 minutes, an important piece of information when planning the first or repeated intakes. Knowing this and the total amount of caffeine required, it’s possible to plan, for example, a small intake and several others, with caffeine gels throughout the marathon and according to individual needs. 

Once the marathon is over, and to aid recovery, the following supplements or foods are recommended:

  • Rehydration (150-200% of weight lost)
  • Take a recovery drink
  • Take vitamin C 
  • A meal rich in carbohydrates, protein and antioxidants.

Common mistakes when using supplements during s marathon

Finally, anyone preparing for a marathon must take the following into account. It’s very common to have stomach problems during a marathon (flatulence, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc.). The use of inappropriate food supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs or even drinks and gels that you aren’t used to, in larger quantities or of a different type, can aggravate these problems.  

The final piece of advice is to ensure that the athlete has tried and practised the nutritional plan for the race very well, both during training and in previous races.

